Electrical contractor performs remedial work requested by the ESA in Brampton, Toronto, and throughout the GTA
Licensed master electrician corrects defect in Oakville, eliminates fault in Vaughan, deals with deficiency in Scarborough, repairs error in Woodbridge, and code violations listed in the Electrical Safety Authority formal notice issued in Richmond Hill, order received in Aurora, and other inspection documents

We comply with the notice or order stating that damage, work, installation, or its condition did not meet requirements of the Ontario Electrical Safety Code. We correct, repair, fix and bring the whole system to code in Thornhill
We apply for inspection in York, pay the fee to the Electrical Safety Authority in the Regional municipality of Halton, do the work in Peel Region, and pass the final inspection in Durham
We give you a peace of mind
These are most common points existing in many older homes and in places where DIYselfers or handymen did electrical work:
Some receptacles when tested indicate they are ungrounded.
Cables entering boxes or enclosures shall be secured by approved box connectors or cable clamps.
We apply for inspection in York, pay the fee to the Electrical Safety Authority in the Regional municipality of Halton, do the work in Peel Region, and pass the final inspection in Durham
We give you a peace of mind
These are most common points existing in many older homes and in places where DIYselfers or handymen did electrical work:
Some receptacles when tested indicate they are ungrounded.
Cables entering boxes or enclosures shall be secured by approved box connectors or cable clamps.

Nonmetallic sheathed cables shall be protected from mechanical damage to a minimum of 1.5 m (5 ft.) above the ground.
Covers shall be installed on all electrical boxes.
Interior gas metal piping shall be bonded to the service ground by a minimum No. 6 AWG copper conductor.
Notice of deficiency correction electrical contractor in Mississauga and Etobicoke.
Panelboards shall have a complete directory identifying the circuits.
Receptacles shall be securely fastened to outlet boxes. All electrical boxes shall be properly supported and secured to the building structure. ESA defect notice correction in Maple
All ground fault circuit interrupter receptacles are required to trip when tested. Electrician in Woodbridge deals with any GFI issues, defects and problems
Receptacle(s) mounted in the floor shall be relocated or replaced with receptacles and boxes approved for floor mounting.
Where a grounding type receptacle is used to replace an ungrounded type, the receptacle shall be a GFCI class A.
Alternatively, grounding type receptacle may be bonded to ground by connecting to a metal cold water pipe. Replace all defective old stile ungrounded receptacles. If no ground is available, we install GFCI class A receptacles in Scarborough
Each bathroom or washroom shall have at least one duplex class A GFCI receptacle located within 1m of any wash basin
Duplex receptacles located within 1.5 m (5 ft) of sinks (complete with a drain pipe), bathtubs or showers shall be connected to a circuit protected by a ground fault circuit interrupter of the class A type. Eliminate or repair all deficiencies found by ESA inspector in Aurora
Reversed polarity receptacle(s). All receptacles shall be connected to ensure proper polarity. Electrical Safety Authority warning defect correction, compliance, and cancellation electrical contractor in Toronto
All unused wiring and electrical equipment shall be removed or enclosed in approved enclosures. Electrician in Oakville fixes code violations
Nonmetallic-sheathed cables used in wet locations or for direct earth burial shall be type NMWU.
A sufficient number of additional receptacles shall be installed to eliminate the use of extension cords. Electrical contractor in Vaughan deals with ESA hazardous investigation defect notice
Electrical Safety Authority notice of deficiency correction electrician in Mississauga and Toronto. Code compliance and remedial work in Thornhill
Flexible cords shall not be used as a substitute for the fixed wiring of structures and shall not be:
Permanently secured to any structural element; or
Run through any structural element; or
Run through doorways, windows, or similar openings
Cords shall be used strictly in accordance with the temperature rating of the cord. Lower or higher temperatures would cause damage to the insulation and overall covering
Cords shall not be used for the suspension of any device weighing more than 2.3 KG, unless the cord and device assembly are marked as capable of supporting a heavier device
Incomplete circuits shall be removed from the breakers or fuses in the panel board and made safe. Hire electrician in Markham to correct defects found by the ESA
Incomplete or Unused wiring is required to be disconnected, removed or to made safe by terminating in approved enclosures.
Overfusing: Number 14 AWG copper conductors shall be protected by a fuse or breaker sized not larger than 15 Amps. We fix it and pass the final inspection in Brampton
Replace the panel board with a bigger one having an adequate number of spaces for present and future circuits. Hire electrician in East York before ESA and hydro disconnect your house or building from power
All wire splicing, connections, terminations, joints shall be made in approved electrical boxes or enclosures using approved connectors. Call electrician in East York or York Region if defect presents a high likelihood of shock or fire
Cover plates are required on all boxes and devices. Covers should be installed on all electrical boxes and enclosures.
Panel fillers are required to close the unused openings in breaker panels, panelboards, and switchboards.
Deteriorated, old, and/or damaged fixtures shall be repaired or replaced. Electrician in Etobicoke does this work and deals with ESA paperwork
Each conductor shall be protected by an overcurrent device at the point where it receives its supply of current. To remove life and/or property hazard defect call electrician in North York
Tap conductor that is not fused must be run in metal enclosure to sub panel. Got defect notice, order, hazard, disconnection, problem? Call electrical contractor in Newmarket
Defect and notice classes:
Life and/or property defect notice is the worst one, given when an electrical installation does not comply with the safety code, presenting a high risk of shock or fire
Defect that represents a moderate risk
Warning Defect is issued when the non-compliant installation represents low risk
All deficiencies must be remedied and fixed before the general inspection defect notice and ESA defect list can be cleared in Richmond Hill